8 March 2018


If you have seen any horror films about ghosts, it's very likely they had a Ouija Board in the plot. (Or even in the title, looking at you "Ouija") Lots of Paranormal Investigators use these to contact with ghosts, and they have become an odd part of Ghost Culture.

However, as with many aspects of the Paranormal, Ouija Boards are VERY dangerous. One of the most famous incidents involving Ouija Boards is the Brazilian University incident of 2012. During this incident, the students who were using the board were possessed and began to talk in a strange language. One of the students was exercised by a priest, and she vomited after the exorcism was completed, which is apparently aa usual occurrence.

The other problem with Ouija Boards is that, if they summon a Class 7 daemon, you could in theory end the World. The upside is that Class 7s have never been proved to exist, even less so than any other type of ghost! A Class 7 has obviously never appeared in this world already, as if one had, we'd have now about it by now, but that doesn't lessen the risk, as there is still some evidence, such as the daemon "Mama" first contacted back in the 90's

There have been cases of the users of Ouija Boards dying too, so please don't take the risk! Leave ghosts to the experts! Stay safe guys, and of course Happy Hunting!

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