25 March 2018


Greetings Paranormal Fans! This is going to be a medium-sized post on our recent expansion, plus some other news regarding ghosts and such.

Firstly, we have expanded into things other than the paranormal. Dafydd has recently mentioned something about sound videos on murders, of both the mysterious kind (Which I personally am interested in) to some that are simply gruesome. (which I find slightly too terrifying.) Whether we'll have any videos on these in the future or not has not been decided, but I'd say there will be. Watch this space!

Secondly, our videos on Ceredigion Museum have begun, and after we finish, we'll upload them. This will still take a month or so, and I apologise for this long wait between videos. Hopefully it won't happen again. All three of us have exams you see, so we have had to stop our Investigations to study and revise for them. It many go down to one post a week, but probably won't. I'll keep you informed on this blog.

Thirdly, Ghostguard will soon be going to a public event! Near us lies Llywernog Silver Lead Mines, which used to be mines back in the 1800s. They hold a bimonthly event (This year anyway...) under the name "Paranormal Investigations" so we decided to go. If you're around Ceredigion in the middle of May, then why not turn up? It sounds pretty good, if you ask us.

That's all the news we have, be sure to check back on Tuesday for a new Local Legends on "The Plane." That's all for now, Happy Hunting!

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