14 April 2018

Ghosts in the Land of Ice and Fire.

Now, I have not posted for about three weeks, sorry about that. However, I do have a valid reason for it. I have been in Iceland! I was there doing both ordinary Iceland and Paranormal related activities, having some cross into both categories. I'm tempted to do a Venn diagram of that, but I'll wait until after the post...

Anyway, as I only left Keflavik and arrived back in Aber yesterday, I though I should tell you about some Icelandic ghosts. Most of the Icelandic ghosts originate in Norse Folklore, such as their concept of the Hidden People, who live in a pocket dimension of sorts. Icelandic people are allegedly the most superstitious people in the Western World, so they do have people who still believe in these old tales, like the tales of King Arthur in North Wales. The story claims these Hidden People are the descendants of Adam and Eve (After the original settlers turned Christian anyway.) who were placed into this pocket dimension (For lack of a better term) as not to displease god.

More recently, a ghost has been sighted on one of Iceland's beaches, very near the famous "Black Beach" of Vik. This ghost has not been "seen" in the traditional sense, or been detected by EMF or any other kind of device, but has been caught on photo. Although no photos of the ghost itself exist, mysterious footprints has been reported on various beaches, but mostly in the area of Vik. Iceland is a famous seafaring nation, so perhaps these are the ghosts of long-dead traders or raiders.

Unfortunately, no ghosts have been reported in either of the hotels I stayed at, which could be taken as both a good or a bad thing! However, as Google only brings up Paranormal articles in my news-feed, I have heard about a party (For lack of a better term) of Class 5 free-floating vapours manifesting in an English night club! Ghosts at a discotech! What more could you want?

That's it for this week/month, and I will be posting "Overtime" to make up for the four or five odd posts I've missed out on. I would have done it over there, but the internet is quite patchy. See you on Monday, with an interesting experience from on of our very own members of Ghostguard! See you then, and Happy Hunting!

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