10 December 2017


This is the second Local Legends on this blog, so I hope you enjoy it.

This Local Legend contains the tales of The Beast of Bont, the infamous Big Cat of Ceredigion.
Sightings of this creature stretch back to the 1970's, where it had been seen strolling around Pontrhydfendigaid, a small village in the centre of the County.

Ceredigion has been in the news recently due to the escaped Lynx from Borth Animalarium {or whatever they've changed the name to} but after the lynx was shot, people still found that farm animals were being killed. The largest being seventeen sheep being ripped apart by a large creature, roughly the size of a wolf or larger. No animals of this size are local to the area, so it was either the Lynx, and that the sheep had been killed less than a day before it's death, or another creature. Until more dead sheep are discovered, we cannot rule out the lynx. However, many people believe that the Beast of Bont is still kicking around, despite being at least 45-ish years old by now.

This has taken so long to upload due to exams, sorry about that. A new video should appear in a few days, with a new post to go along with it on this blog.

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