15 December 2017


Ghost Boxes:

Imagine being on a paranormal investigation, you see a ghost, so after pulling out the video camera and beginning to film, what do you do next? If you said "Talk to it," you're on the right track, how do you do this? Originally people used to use Ouija Boards to talk to the dead, but due to the amount of danger associated with them, a safer option needed to be found. This is where the Ghost Box comes in.

The Ghost Box is a revolutionary piece of Ghost Hunting technology which can play the voices of ghosts. This box works through scanning through radio frequencies very quickly, some having 10 per-second, some having 5 per-second. If you hear a voice over the box, it (probably) won't be from a radio station, as they are being flicked through too quickly for a word to come out.

These have been used by many famous Paranormal Investigators, such as Dorsetghost, but are very expensive, as they are not used for any other purpose, unlike the EMF Meter, which I covered in another blog post. Apps are also available, but these are  more likely to be fake, and put in fake noises like screams to allow people to make fake ghost videos. This is annoying, but the fake ones are very obvious to find.

We are thinking of getting a ghost box ourselves, but as they cost so much, we haven't yet.

Recommend Ghostguard to your friends for a taster of the paranormal, and happy hunting! 

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