29 November 2017



Today is the release date for a new Ghostguard video, showing our first ever Investigation to Constitution Hill in Aberystwyth. We chose Constitution Hill to investigate the "Consti Woman," a Class-3 Partial- or Full-Torso apparition of a woman in old-style clothing (When that is I don't know, it's quite unspecific) who appears in various rooms, both the café and the games room, where she has been seen playing on the arcade machine. Another sighting has led to her being seen as far as two miles down the Hill to Clarach.

Another mysterious entity in the area is the Mermaid seen by twelve people in 1826. Although it has not been seen since then, this isn't a surprise, as the sea nearby stretches all the way to Ireland, and has many caves in the area.

This is the third video in the "Constitution Hill Ghost" Episode, as I have accidentally uploaded it before the second episode. Sorry!


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