23 February 2018


The Class 3 or Class 4 is what most people would think of if you said "Ghost," a humanoid ghost, usually floating.

However, many people have asked me what the difference between a Class 3 and Class 4 are, considering they look the same. I replied that if a ghost remembers some of it's previous life, it was a Class 4, if otherwise it would be Class 3.

It now seems, after some research, it seems that Class 4s are simply Class 3s after they have been identified by the Investigators! This may have made some of my previous posts and Quora answers incorrect. I apologise greatly.

On a Semi-related note, I may have detected evidence of a ghost in a Bar on Aberystwyth Seafront! I'll discuss this in a future post!

Sorry for the inconvenience, and Happy Hunting!

Possible Ghost?

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