5 January 2018


The new video is about to be uploaded, continuing our investigations in Aberystwyth castle, but on the 7th we are heading to a new location, Ceredigion Museum in Aberystwyth!

The Ceredigion museum was going to be our second spot to investigate, only refurbishment began on the building the day we were going to go.

According to one of the workers at the Museum, being there at night is scary and staff often feel like they're being watched. One theory Tom has come up with is that the old owner, from when Ceredigion Museum was the Coliseum Cinema back in the 1920's, is the ghost. If this is true, this might be our first Class 3 or 4 caught on camera! Excitement is not a big enough word!

Anyway, see you when the next video is uploaded, but until then, Happy Hunting!

P.S: Sorry this has taken so long, that's the Holidays for you. This shouldn't happen again.

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